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Farmside has been providing telecommunications services to rural New Zealand for over 20 years. 95% of our customer base are rural, whether they be farm owners, rural retirees, sharemilkers, life-stylers, or farm workers. These customer “personas” all have different connectivity needs and we have adapted our products and services over the past year to meet these differing requirements.

Here at Farmside we recognise the rural life is the good life, our customers choose to live rurally because they love the land, love the life. Most work seven days a week, out in the elements and at times, not much of a financial reward. But they wouldn’t have it any other way. We provide connectivity solutions that help make that good life, great. Whether it be on-farm solutions or for individuals and family, Farmside has a range of options to suit all.

We’ve realised there is a gap in market for a provider who can educate and provide our customers the huge benefits that can be achieved by utilising technology in their businesses and lives. We’re moving from being a rural telco to progressive connectivity provider that’s in business to make the good life great for our customers. In the last year we doubled our data caps and dropped our prices substantially, for both normal plan data and boosters. We’ve introduced a multi-plan option where additional broadband connections have a $20 monthly discount applied. We have competitive mobile plans that also include monthly discounts when paired with a broadband connection. A rural 5G product is coming to market that will mitigate the 4G congestion we see in some areas. Farmside is a well-established brand in rural and provincial New Zealand.

Have questions? Call now: 0800 706 024

Total: 5.5
Reliability 6.1
Speed 5.1
Support 6.0
Features 5.7
Value 4.3
Average from 21 reviews
Showing 11-15 of 21 items.
2021-01-12 12:03:26
larry donnell 4.2
Certainly lacks in customer service.....Attitude from the office staff is appalling.....I found the Male tech staff to be the best if one has a issue stay away from the office....Charges for going over your limit are in my opinion way to high plus a hit and miss email from them to let you know when you are on overages...not great at all.
2020-05-08 13:18:01
Bill Davies 9.0
I am reluctantly leaving Farmside after about twenty years. They have been a great company to work with. I am only leaving because they can't connect me to fibre in our area.
Great Help Line . Wonderful staff who can relate to your problem and get it sorted quickly.
No Cons! Highly recomend their service.
2018-11-17 07:48:54
John 4.0
I was really unhappy with Farmside when we believed we were charged unfairly. I have never pursued a company so much, and they were rigid in saying no (though the reasons given changed).
It was satellite broadband. Generally it went as well as I'd expected.
The 20GB monthly limit was tight, and on one occasion we breached it significantly without receiving notifications warning us from Farmside, and having difficulty logging into their website because they had changed it. They were utterly unwilling to concede any error on their part and insisted on us paying the complete sum, even though Consumer agreed they were being unreasonable. more
2018-07-15 02:50:15
George smith 1.0
Do not go with farmside as the speed is horrible for the amount of money you pay. My speed right now is 40kbps which is slower than dial up. Do not go with this horrible company.
Their are none
2018-06-14 02:37:22
Daniel 4.0
Their billing system makes no sense. During my 5 months with them they double deducted a direct credit, sent me incorrect and misleading invoices and were very difficult to deal with on the phone (missleading and differing answers from multiple staff)
May be the only affordable internet in rural locations. Their modem without antenna is much cheaper then vodafone
Their billing and finance system makes no sense and often has errors that lead to incorrect invoices or duplicate charges. This is very time consuming to resolve.
Showing 11-15 of 21 items.
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