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Slingshot Broadband

slingshot broadband nz

From the start, Slingshot has been challenging the telco industry and fighting to give New Zealand families better value broadband, supported by amazing service.

Slingshot NZ know that in the modern world, it is crucial to stay online, but they also know how confusing it might be to get online. They have worked hard to make Slingshot easy, affordable and hassle-free – because this guys know you have other important things to do and spend your time on than sorting your internet.

They are dedicated to making broadband simple, affordable, easy to use, and cover the needs of a modern family – whether they are intensely streaming videos, gaming all day, or just spending their time on Facebook.

Slingshot broadband is part of the Vocus Group of companies.

Slingshot Broadband offer ultrafast Fibre & Naked Broadband Plans for New Zealand. 

They have a range of different broadband plans available. Some of their broadband plans include a home phone line whilst other broadband plans are like Naked Broadband and don't have a home telephone line.

The type of broadband connection you can get depends on your address and area. They offer all types of broadband connection, Fibre, VDSL and ADSL dependant on what is available in your broadband region.

** NOTE: The above information has been provided by the ISP or reproduced from their website **

Total: 5.8
Reliability 6.0
Speed 5.9
Support 5.2
Features 5.7
Value 5.6
Average from 279 reviews
Showing 166-170 of 279 items.
2019-02-06 16:00:24
Auckland User 8.8
Pretty good service from Slingshot. They were reliable and their user portal fairly informative.
Good service
Price creep adds up
2019-02-03 17:28:46
Debs Moke 10.0
Awesome fast and simple
2019-02-01 12:16:34
Debs Moke 10.0
Thanku thanku thanku
2019-01-31 06:26:19
Ian Fraser 5.8
Became very intermittent , with constant (and often protracted) drop outs over last two months of 2018 (coincidentally after fibre became available in our street). Didn't have time to contact slingshot support (its never a quick process with any ISP). Eventually quit them in January (the timing was partly driven by the fact we were moving, though we would have quit them anyway).
Also just received unexpectedly hefty final bill from them - which I will query when I can find time to stay on hold and/or talk to an automated answering directory for a while. more
Awful reliability
2019-01-10 14:18:10
Russell Patton 5.4
Phone problem reported 4 months ago after innumerable calls to Slingshot the problem remains and they keep requesting that I document 4 missed calls during a 24 hour period. Even after I complied twice, they still require a further missed call documentation every time I ring up.
The worst support I have ever encounted.
Showing 166-170 of 279 items.
Auckland Fibre Broadband Competition
Auckland Fibre Broadband Competition
As if you needed another reason to switch to Fibre NOW if you live in Auckland... but here is one just in case!
Latest news on 02.08.2016
 August 2016 Broadband Offers update – time for new Broadband plans and great internet deals. Today we have updated plans for a number of NZ ISPs:
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Get Unlimited Broadband from $50/m
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