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Enable are out there, helping connect the Christchurch community

Get the best fibre plan with Broadband Compare
Wednesday, 28 July 2021

Who are Enable?

Enable are one of New Zealand’s leading fibre organisations with a passion for helping Kiwis connect to the best internet available.

Feel the need for speed or have a household full of streamers or gamers? Fibre will probably be the best internet plan for you.

Fibre provides a reliable, consistent experience even at the busiest time of day. It caters to households where everyone wants to be on the internet at the same time, without needing to sacrifice quality and speed of your connection.

Enable are eager to push education around why a fibre connection is the right option for consumers.

“Connecting our community with unlimited opportunity” – the vision is clear and the progress has been unreal from the team at Enable.

To date, Enable have worked hard to bring ultra-fast fibre broadband to over 200,000 homes, businesses and schools in Christchurch and towns across Waimakariri and Selwyn districts. The vision is growing and the fibre is getting faster, with the announcement of Hyperfibre coming to market. If you’re on the Enable network, this is something you need to look into.


Why Broadband Compare Supports Enable

Broadband Compare is proud to partner with the good sorts at Enable Fibre Broadband, because they do right by the Kiwi Consumer.

Enable respect that to help their community and drive fibre connections UP, it starts by getting out there and visiting the residents of Christchurch with some simple education and a helping hand. This goal saw the creation of a team of Fibre Ambassadors, who across the last year have achieved some brilliant numbers in the push for fibre uptake.

56,567 Christchurch residents visited, day or night in rain, snow or sun

32,328 Fibre conversations held with residents

The numbers are big, even though the team is small. It goes to show that it’s about commitment and dedication to hosting authentic and transparent conversations with consumers that gets the wins every time. The team of fibre ambassador’s took to the streets, bringing with them education and options for consumers, right to their door. It couldn’t be easier when you don’t need to leave home to get help!

Over 4,849 households switched to a fibre plan, purely from this Enable initiative. That’s over 4,849 more homes enjoying the best internet connection we have available in NZ – FIBRE.

If you’re not on a fibre plan – go compare what’s out there today and save yourself from the buffering bugs this winter.


Need help?

If you want to know more about what good internet providers and plans are available to you, then just give our friendly NZ Compare team a call on 0508 226 672. Whether you’re living in Christchurch or Kaitaia, we are always available to help.

It’s free and we’re not just talking hassle free! Our Customer Support Team are waiting, give them a call Monday–Friday 10am-7pm.

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